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汇丰人寿误导销售被投诉 客户遭员工骚扰恐吓

来源:中国经济网 2012-04-28 09:07:44


    Dear Mr. Lo,


    I received a letter from your firm still saying you need me to refund the money and I am repeating telling that if I have given the chance for your staff/your agent to ask the doctor to decide approving the case or not and I have been told the case is approved after investigation. If you tell me I am not covered before admission to hospital, I will choose not to do the surgery or go to public room/ public hospital or choose my work insurance to claim.


    Also, the attached letter has been telling my surgery and the MIT test has nothing to do with historical factors.


    Should you think this case can be resolved, I would like to have a face to face meeting or phone discussion with you.



    Thank you for your email of today.


    Allow me to be brief and not data specific, being sensitive on data privacy for communications over the internet.


    1) Until we receive the refund, the hospital bills belong to us, not you. We do not hold any of your receipt and have nothing to return to you.


    2) Your successful claim or not against any insurer is not a point of our consideration in demanding the refund, and we are not liable to any issues arising between yourself and any third parties.


    Our position has been very clearly stated in our various letters to you. I have also listened to your calls in and before last week, but unfortunately, based on the information on hand we have decided our position would not change.




    在12月27日19:52我公司的门户网站接到关于人民币存款的投诉,被投诉人是我。投诉讯息是:“***,你的事情全HSCB都知道了,好玩吗?请一定转给东亚银行[28.30 -1.39%]的***先生!”投诉人是汇丰人寿为我安排的客服专案经理。




    Thank you for your email.


    Rest assured we will take this case very seriously.


    Terry Lo



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